Friday, August 23, 2013


YAYYYYY i am finally free to actually blog TT
prelims are here, yay.
okayy sooo a few weeks? ago was national day celebration! this year quite uhhh boring but i had funnn thanks to my amazing classmates
 the school had the band to play the national anthem, to get in the mood hahahah we even have a mini parade
hehehe i forgot that it was meant to be a gif so i cropped it :O hahahhah sorry.

SO everyone in the school was given 2 'tattoos' and apparently this guy took all the extras
disgusting but entertaining hahahahha Jerrell have one more at his 'heart' and he goes around half naked saying look at my heart beating while moving his chest. HAHAH so patriotic
 Cherie freaks me out.
 My favourite classmates! woohoooooo Just take a moment to look at how cute we are (:
 Leave my camera with the guys for a sec, and you get this. Bimbos.
The story of cindy's tattoo, carissa was helping cindy put the tattoo then idk what happen cindy or carissa put the tattoo on then when they tear off the paper thing, realised its upside down, and cindy was very sad, so she use another one and paste it right side up and now she looks like a cat. meoww.  
 On to the camwhores/modelling LOL why are we so adorable (missing joy)
i will miss them if we go different school luh ): 

Poor yek, he always get bullied by jerrell.
Still can pose for picture!

 Thats all i've edited :P wait for part 2 okok!
ending with amos moving muscles ._.
i know its blur i realised it wasnt focused only after i take...
AND ilisia's patriotic braces HAHAHHAHA